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 Opening Hours and fees

The opening hours of the cave depend on the season, as there are few visitors during the winter the hours are less.  A

During the summer time, from the beginning of May until the end of October the caves are open from 9am each morning until 7pm in the evening.  However during the colder winter season while many visitors still do come to the cave the total numbers are less and so therefore the caves only open on Thursdays and on the Weekend days, from 10am in the morning and close at 4pm.

These times are variable so please telephone 26740 22997 before visiting

The admission fee of 7 Euros per person includes a boat trip. 

Best times to visit are just before and just after noon when the sun shines through the opening in the cave roof to illuminate the waters of the underground lake.  From 11:30 until 2:00 are the best.  Try to come earlier to avoid the crowds at noon and 1pm.